by Angela Guerreiro | (Angola/Portugal)
Premiere at the Festival danceKiosk-Hamburg on July at Hamburger Sprechwerk (ca. 75 minutes)
Body knowledge is – through the process of acquirement, by mimesis in physical practice – embodied knowledge: Whatever the body learns, one does not own as knowledge which can be recalled, but makes what one is. (Bourdieu, 1987)
Tracing Dance Reloaded is more than just a revised reopening of the first part presented at the Goethe Institut Nairobi. Tracing Dance Reloaded an extended new edition, which resums the results of a research started in 2008 in Addis Abeba and Nairobi. In this reloaded edition Tracing Dance Reloaded focus on the Hanseatic city of Hamburg tracing down the reationship between Hamburg and Africa.
Memories – Africa in Hamburg
Ethnological shows in Hamburg’s zoo “Tierpark Hagenbeck”; Harbour and colonial history with shipping company owner Woermann: Slavetrade: Emily Ruete, the last princess of Zanzibar with her husband Rudolf Heinrich; Africa-explorer Heinrich Barth; Controversial monuments and African street names; Genocide in Namibia; Writer and journalist Hans-Jürgen Massaquoi: Stowaways and the largest African Diaspora in Germany – Africa in Hamburg.
Idea and Artistic Direction Angela Guerreiro
Concept Angela Guerreiro and Claude Jansen
Dance and co-creation Adam-Lucas Chienjo, Nuria Mohammed and Johnny Lloyd
Music Sven Kacirek (Barabara projects, Fieldrecordings, Alulation and music editing of Rosenpolka and Fingerschottisch), Gil Scott-Heron (I’m New Here, 2010), Ethiopian music (various artists)
Light-Design Michael Lentner
Sound-Design Manuel Horstmann
Assistance Jule Eicke
Kiosk.Helpers Magdalena Blüchert und Judith Piesche
• A production by Angela Guerreiro Prod. and DanceKiosk-Hamburg. In cooperation with Goethe-Institut Nairobi and Goethe-Institut Addis Ababa, Hamburger Sprechwerk, K3 – Zentrum für Choreographie | Tanzplan Hamburg, and Kampnagel Hamburg.